Exchange One Cryptocurrency to Other Instantly With Changelly

If you clicked this post you may be dealing with one or other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are good investment in today's world and you may be holding at least one cryptocurrency at the moment. This post is for those who want to exchange their one cryptocurrency for the other instantly.
If you are holding a coin and want to hold another without investing more money then this tutorial will help you. You can exchange some of or all of your one crypto to another cryptocurrency.

In this post we are dealing with converting Bitcoins to Litecoins but can be used to convert any virtual coins to other virtual coins (As supported by the site). So we are using this just as a reference. The online tool we are using here in this tutorial is  Changelly.

About Changelly:

Changelly is created by Minergate enthusiasts with longest track record on cryptomarket. So I believe you won't have any trust issues dealing with Changelly. I have added a screenshot from their FAQ  page on how it works.
In this article I am also adding a visual guide to help you exchange your cryptocurrency for other cryptocurrency.

Lets Get Started:

First of all head over to Changelly. Or click on the banner below.
Then select the coins you want to exchange between and then enter the amount as well and click on Exchange Button.
I am supposing that you are new on changelly and you don't have an account. In the next step you'll be asked to sign up you just have to enter your email or you can directly log in through your social media accounts.
In the next step you have to check the transfer details.You can change the amount and the cryptocurrencies in this step if you wish to.
But make sure you have the amounts to be exchanged more than the minimum amount allowed. The minimum amount allowed notification will pop up as below if the amount you want to exchange is below it.
 So for the tutorial I am exchanging more than the minimum amount. Enter the details and click on Next.
In the next step you'll be asked to enter the destination address. As I am exchanging my bitcoins for litecoins I'd have to enter my Litecoin address. After entering the destination address click on next.
In the next step make sure all the details entered are correct including your destination address and the amount you want to convert to other coins. Click on Confirm and Make Payment button if you have the details checked.
In the last step an address will be generated to send the amount you want to exchange. In this tutorial as I am exchanging my bitcoins for litecoins I'll have to send the bitcoins as entered earlier as one transaction to the address generated.
That's all! Once you have send the coins wait for some time and the exchanged amount and coins will be received in your destination address as entered earlier.
Thank you for reading. Leave your queries on the comment below.
